October 29, 2011

Easy-To-Make Masks

 The girls were a bit bored not having their lessons for many days. The flooding situation in our city has put our normal routine on hold and the girls just wanted to do some fun craft. So Zoe asked her dad if he could help her make a mask. They searched a tutorial online, went out to buy the materials needed, and were happy with the finished projects.

Zoe made the blue mask with whiskers which shows her fondness to her favorite pet. Naomi  made use of her old wand by cutting the star and used it as an accent to her  pink mask.

Our family don't celebrate the Halloween but that doesn't mean the girls can't have a little masquerade this end of October.

Check out the mask tutorial here.


  1. very nice share, visiting for pink Fridays, mine is up at http://www.prettysinglemom.com/2011/10/day-full-of-fun.html

  2. Love the masks -so creative! :)

  3. the pink looks almost like fleece,or velvet momma said :)
    how are you?

  4. Good jobs!

    Happy Blue Monday to you!

  5. Those masks are cute:)

    Visiting from PF!

    Hope you can visit me too:)


  6. very creative girls, pretty masks :-) both of them did a wonderful job. Visiting for PF, hope that you visit me back too


  7. brilliant idea!these projects also enhances the kid's creativity!
    dropping by for PF#94...


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