Postcard Exchange

We have a big project for this year 2011 for our homeschoolers. We are building an album of postcards from all over the world! Quite big, huh? But we are excited because we know it is possible for our young homeschoolers to accomplish the project. This is to help them learn more about different places, people, and culture around the world. This is also a good way to educate our young ones to use our postal services other than the electronic way of communication. I still love the traditional way of getting actual mails from my mailbox, don't you? And I want my children to experience the same thrill of seeing Mr. Postman coming our way.

If you are a homeschooling family like us, we would like to invite you to join us in this project. Send us your mailing address and we send you a postcard. Once you received it, please return the favor by sending us a postcard. We can challenge our homeschoolers later to think of creative ideas on how to have more exchanges in the future.  I was also planning to start a meme for this project where we can post our collection each week, one postcard at a time.

For those who are not joining us in this project, I would like to ask a favor to help our homeschoolers with their project by sending us one postcard to represent your country.. We will put it in an album which we will later use as guide for our homeschoolers' geography lessons.

Suggestions: Please choose a unique postcard that best represent your country. It would be nicer to see faces of people or something cultural than just pictures flowers and scenery.

Email us with your address so we can start the ball rolling. If you just want to send us a postcard and not expect to receive one, let us know so we can send you our mailing address. If you have friends who want to help us in this project, you can pass on our mailing address to them. Thank you! The excitement is building up!

Our email add:

Another way to join us is through our meme.

Postcard Exchange Meme: TEMPORARILY CLOSED until further notice.

This meme is created to spread the word around and to keep the excitement and enthusiasm up for our Postcard Exchange project. We learned that it would take 2 weeks to reach the destination of our the postcards. So, while waiting, we can share online anything about the project. 

Even if you are not planning to do the project, you can also join the meme.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Write a post about any of the following:
a. the postcard you just mailed or received
b. the postcard you just bought
c. a collection of old postcards
d. or anything that you think has relevance to the project
2. Use our badge with the link back to our page so others can also be directed to join the   meme or the project. Just copy and paste to your post the badge above or the one in my sidebar.

3. Every Tuesday, I post my own entry and you can leave your link in the Linky box below my post. (Let me know if you don't know yet the technicalities of linking to a meme and I'm happy to give you the details.)

That's it! It's easy as 1 2 3. You can let your creativity decide how you want to do it as long as these 3 points are there.
Click here to join the meme.