November 11, 2011

Those Beautiful Sky Lanterns In the Movie,"Tangled"

Remember the movie "Tangled"?

Last night, as we celebrated Naomi's birthday at a friends' house, we heard fireworks from outside so we went out to watch the fireworks and also beautiful lanterns floating up in the sky.
It was Loi Krathung and Yi-Ping festival. We almost forgot this 2nd most important festival in in our host country. The flood disaster in the capital city have taken much of people's concern and energy. The government warned the people the danger of  floating flowers and candles on the floodwater (which covers a big area of the city) so we saw more lantern up in the sky. It was beautiful! I didn't have a good camera to capture the moment but I saw  a photo from my niece's Facebook which I thought would be cool to share it here.

This morning my Zoe found one lantern in our yard!!! She was so excited to have a closer look of it!
The lantern that Zoe found. It was huge!

It's made of very thin but durable paper that isn't torn easily.
It is held together by a round bamboo stick.

This is the wire that holds the candle or fire cell.
Wow! That was an exciting discovery, wasn't it?
By the way, did you notice the calendar today? It's 11-11-11. I know it's just a date but I thought it's just fun to take note of little details like this :-)

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