March 7, 2011

Blue Girls

This picture was taken after our whole day at the immigration office processing our family visa. The girls were obviously tired and dozed off to sleep in the van on our way home.

I love taking photos, storing lots of them in my memory bank. I especially like capturing moments like this one when my "subjects" are most unaware.

You won't see me much in the photos in my blogs. I'm the one behind the camera, the teacher-mom who always has her camera hanging around her neck. I just love to be the photographer! But I'm sure it's neat to sometimes let my readers see Mrs. M, the author of this blog.

That's Mrs. M with her girls. 

This is my latest photo with my girls. We all thought it's a good idea to take photos of us since we were all wearing blue. Actually, teacher-dad and big brother Ben wore blue, too, but they went off so fast to the van and so we didn't get the chance to pose as a family in blue.



  1. Family time is always good times. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  2. Hi Everyone ;)Love the Photos


  3. Precious moments to treasure!

    Mommy and Me at my page. Have a great week ahead.

  4. Be sure to date all your family photos. I regret I did not not and now it is difficult to remember.

  5. The phto above they both look tired . nice girls picture

  6. Wow, are going here in America as a family po? Hope you will have a successful and smooth visa processing. Beautiful Mom and kids you got!

  7. Happy to be here…
    Just have followed you, hope you can follow me back.
    My share is at:
    Just for a Thought
    Trying Hard Techie
    My Prince - Macoi
    My All

  8. Happy blue day! So glad you linked up.

    You all three have the same pretty smile.


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